Terms of use

Welcome to our Developer’s portal. Eurobank provides you and your companies with innovative solutions that aim to meet your business and clients’ needs and expectations.

Access to our Portal and use of our APIs entails that you fully agree with the following Terms and Conditions. Due to the special characteristics that some APIs may have, Eurobank reserves the right to apply different terms and conditions to different APIs.

It must be noted, that the present Terms and Conditions are also applicable for APIs provided to Third Party Providers, in accordance with Greek Law 4537/2018, Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25th November 2015 (also known with the abbreviation “PSD 2”) and all underlying or supplemental legislation and regulatory technical standards. However, in such cases it is expressly stated that these Terms and Conditions will be complementary to what is legally foreseen and under no circumstances will they supersede the provisions of the Law nor will the provision of payment initiations services or account information services be dependent on prior acceptance of them. If, at any point, a court or a supervisory authority concludes that a certain API and for a certain use, falls within the scope of PSD 2, these Terms and Conditions will retroactively be considered to have a supplemental character.


1.    Definitions

(a)    API - any application programming interface(s) of Eurobank (including all aspects they may have) which will allow the User to develop Applications, which will interface with the Platform.
(b)    Application - any type of software application that contains in any way API materials.
(c)    User - you and any employee, person or entity that represents you and who accesses the Portal and the API Materials. 
(d)    End User – any natural or legal person, who uses an Application and interfaces with the Platform. 
(e)    API Key - the chain of characters, which uniquely identify a User, and which have been granted by Eurobank to the User, so that the latter can access and use a certain API. Eurobank, reserves at all times the right to either decline or suspend the API key it has assigned to a User.
(f)    API Materials – any information, data and documentation, including all content of any form and type related to the Portal or the API(s).
(g)    Platform – the online Eurobank system for processing and responding to requests from Applications using the API(s).
(h)    Portal – A Eurobank website that provides the API Materials and the registration function.


2.    Registration

Use of our APIs requires your registration and acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions. In case you are registering as a natural person, you certify that you are at least 18 years old. Likewise, in case you are registering as a legal entity, you acknowledge that you have the legal right to represent the entity and to legally accept these Terms and Conditions on its behalf. Lastly, you hereby declare that all information granted during the registration process is accurate and up to date and you agree to inform us regarding any amendment of the information provided.


3.    API authentication

Following your registration you will be granted an API key and secret that will be used by your Application to connect to the Platform. You are required to keep this information secret and not share it with any third party or unauthorized person, unless it is expressly foreseen in law. Other types of authentication may be requested, based on technical limitations or prerequisites. It is forbidden to alter or falsify any API key or to connect with the Platform without Eurobank’s permission.


4.    Use of APIs 

You are obliged to use our APIs, provided that such use has been permitted by Eurobank, for legal and ethical purposes, in good faith and in a way that will not harm Eurobank or any other third party. In more detail, it is forbidden to use our APIs in a way that could harm the reputation or the business activities of Eurobank, its clients and any other user of the Platform or in a way that could be considered as misleading and unethical to any third party In order to ensure that no harm may be caused, Eurobank withholds the right, at its full and sole discretion, to request that a specific user takes additional measures regarding the use of a certain or all of its APIs. More specifically, Eurobank may set limitations on the API calls that a user is allowed to make within a certain time period.

The User will at all times ensure that the use of an API and the disclosure of any type of information to the End-User will be done as long as security considerations have first been addressed. In more detail it will be ascertained that confidentiality and the integrity of data is safeguarded though sufficient measures such as accepted encryption techniques.

Eurobank is allowed, at all times, to monitor the use of our APIs in order to avoid technical problems, improve our Platform and services, investigate if the user complies with our Terms and Conditions and the provisions of Law. Regarding the latter, the User accepts that Eurobank, being a financial institution established in Greece, is bound to observe a strict legal framework regarding among other things the prevention of fraud and anti-money laundering.

Eurobank reserves the right to apply charges for any technical support it provides. Moreover, Eurobank is entitled to perform maintenance activities on the Platform and its APIs. As long as this is possible, efforts will be made to pre-announce such activities and to narrow their timespan to a limited period of time. Nevertheless, the user acknowledges, that Eurobank cannot be held accountable for the unavailability of the Platform and its APIs due to maintenance purposes.
Eurobank may, at its full and sole discretion, update the Platform and any API. In such a case the previous version will be also available to the User for the minimum period required by the law. 


5.    Sandbox

Our Platform provides a Sandbox environment that allows the testing of your Applications. The User agrees to perform diligent testing before using APIs for real purposes and will abstain from real use until the correct applicability has been ensured. The User acknowledges that use of APIs for real purposes is forbidden before prior testing and doing so will be at the User’s own risk. 


6.     Confidentiality

All non-public information (including communication) is characterized as confidential and can only be used within the scope and the purpose it was intended to serve.  In more detail, unless it is expressly foreseen in the Law, it is forbidden to disclose this information to third persons that are not associated with you and/or are not involved with the agreed use of the Platform and the API. The User acknowledges and accepts to protect all confidential information and will be fully liable and responsible for any non-permitted and/or unlawful disclosure of confidential information.


7.     Storing of Content

Storing Content of the Platform is only permitted as long as: (a) it is technically necessary for the use of the Application and the provision of services to the End-User, (b) it is required by Law and (c) it has been requested by the End-User.


8.    Personal Data

The User agrees to fully comply with all applicable legislation regarding protection of personal data and acknowledges that all appropriate technical and security measures are taken so that the highest possible standards are met. Within this scope, the User is obliged to safeguard all personal data, ensure that it disclosure and use is only permitted to the absolutely necessary staff and to forbid access to any unauthorized person. Moreover, the User agrees to immediately delete all personal data that Eurobank indicates and to take any additional measures required. Unauthorized use or disclosure of personal data is strictly forbidden and the User ensures that only the absolutely necessary staff will be granted access and consecutively use personal data. The User agrees and acknowledges that in all cases foreseen by law or required due to the nature of the data use, before accessing or using an end-user’s personal data, the end-user’s explicit consent will first be asked and granted. In all such cases, the End-User’s consent must be saved and should be verifiable by Eurobank or any other supervisory authority.

Likewise, Eurobank will process personal data according to these Terms and Conditions and in compliance with the Greek and European legislative and regulatory framework. Eurobank will make all reasonable efforts to fully secure all personal data that has been stored in the Portal or has been disclosed within the scope of the Eurobank – User relationship. Both Eurobank and the User are obliged to fully observe the rights of any person as foreseen in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data an on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation).

In more detail, Eurobank may process and/or use personal data for the following purposes:

1.    To ensure that all applicable law, regulations and supervisors’ requests are observed.
2.    To prevent and detect fraud and/or anti-money laundering.
3.    To perform maintenance operations or technical work regarding the upgrade of the portal or the establishment of security mechanisms.
4.    For identification reasons

If any data security incidents have been noticed during the use of the Platform or its APIs, please contact us immediately by sending an email at the following address DPO@eurobank.gr. Moreover, feel free to contact us for any issue regarding data protection that might be concerning you. 


9.     Use of Eurobank Logo or Brand


Eurobank reserves the right to require that the User includes Eurobank’s logo, brand or any other information, when services are provided to End-Users via the use of the Platform or of its APIs. Likewise, no Eurobank logo, brand or any other information or text that could imply Eurobank’s involvement may be presented to End-Users unless it is either expressly foreseen or an explicit, written permission has been given by Eurobank in advance.


10.    Liability

The User accepts that although Eurobank will try to the best of its ability to ensure availability of the Portal and the corresponding APIs, it will under no circumstances be held responsible in case, for any reason, the Portal is not accessible or available.
It is strictly stated, that the User may use the Portal and the APIs at his or her own Risk and will be fully liable and responsible for the development and the operation of his/her Application.

Eurobank will under no circumstance be held liable for any damage caused to the User or the End-Users in all cases that a certain malfunction is general and also affects Eurobank’s own clients. Moreover, Eurobank may only be held liable in cases of willful intent or fraud.

If for any reason, contrary to what is stated above, Eurobank or/and any person related to Eurobank incurs losses or liabilities of any nature, the User will provide full indemnification.   


11.    Amendment of Terms

Eurobank withholds the right, in its sole discretion, to amend these Terms and Conditions. Users will be informed for these amendments by email. As long as no written objection is expressed, continuing the use of the Platform and its APIs are acknowledged as approval of all amendments.


12.    Price and costs

For the use of certain APIs, charges might be imposed, which will be specially determined under a separate agreement between Eurobank and the User.  Eurobank resereves the right to terminate the use of these APIs if the User denies to accept the latter agreement or refuses to pay the foreseen amount. 


13.    Termination

Breach of these Terms and Conditions or/and violation of the Law allows Eurobank to immediately terminate the User’s registration, in which case access to the development portal will be denied and the respective API keys will be either canceled or blocked. Depending on the underlying reason of the Termination, Eurobank may allow the User to remove, within a period that cannot exceed five working days, any content stored on the User’s Application or may deny access completely. Following termination, the User is obliged to immediately delete all confidential information and ensure that the same action is taken by any person that the User controls, cooperates with or interacts. 


14.     Governing Law and jurisdiction

The use of the Platform and its APIs is governed by Greek Law. 
Any disputes in relation to the use of the Platform and its APIs as well as disputes arising out of these Terms and Conditions will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Athens, Greece.